Specialist in Integrative Medicine, Human Nutrition, and Restoration of Physical Excellence
Renowned Fitness Professional, Body Transformation Coach and Founder of the 21 Day Metabolic Reboot
Regular Price: $97
If you've struggled with attempts to lose weight, reduce fat, and restore metabolism, the struggle is over!
In this explosive groundbreaking eye-opening 90-minute live seminar, you'll come to learn that you haven't failed. You've attempted to change with flawed approaches.
Consider it your Resolution Rescue
In January of 2019, millions of people like you made New Years Resolutions and by March 1, statistics suggest over 92% have given up or failed. This is your second chance.
As you'll learn, it has nothing to do with willpower. When you attempt to change with a flawed approach, failure is imminent. Conversely, apply the strategies you'll learn on March 13 and failure simply isn't an option. To allow you to re-commit, to celebrate 2019 as the year you master your body, we've made this available for only 2019 cents ($20.19).
Oh, and you can rest assured, whether you pay $97 or less, this seminar will be worth 100 times your investment or we'll happily issue you a refund.
Learn What Your Doctor Never Told You, What Your Trainer Doesn't Know
As you'll come to understand, there is a condition that affects near 65% of the adult population, a condition that is not readily recognized by conventional medicine, and despite its prevalence, is rarely diagnosed.
WEIGHT LOSS RESISTANCE (WLR) is created by an endocrine imbalance usually triggered by stress. Those who have WLR will not respond to the conventions of exercise and dieting. In this seminar, you'll learn how to reverse WLR, how to restore metabolism, and how to gain complete control over the way your body looks, feels, and functions, regardless of your age or physical condition.
Register early for this event ($97 the day of if seats are still available) and your seat is only $20.19 with a 100% Money-Back Guarantee (refunds will not be issued for non-attendance)
"The Weight Loss Fix" will help you restore health and metabolic excellence as it has helped thousands who were told they're limited because of chronic conditions:
This is an event that will change lives. All you have to do is register, not for the regular $97 price, but to commemorate "your best body in 2019," for only twenty dollars and nineteen cents with a money back guarantee.
Brain Fog, Chronic Fatigue, Erratic Energy, and Weight Gain are ALL REVERSIBLE Conditions that Respond to a Multi-Faceted Strategy You Can Master Without Drugs or need for ongoing Medical Intervention
REGISTER NOW!Where: Peak Potential Integrative Medical Center
11951 US Hwy 1, Suite 105, North Palm Beach, FL
NEED MORE INFO: 561 404-8296
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