by Phil Kaplan


Hooray!  You're here.  I've been waiting for you!

I want to tell you about the Younger Better Stronger program, but first I feel obliged to shed light on the truths that science has uncovered and evidenced.  Nothing I’m about to share is guesswork.  This is all 100% proven and the strategies I employ with my clients are literally fail-proof.

Let’s start with this.

The degeneration we associate with aging is “oxidation.”  In a simplistic sense, it’s the breakdown or “rusting” of cellular membranes and organelles.  The culprits that drive oxidation are free radicals.

VITAL POINT: Free radicals amplify aging.

Perhaps better said, "free radicals are violent little molecular hooligans that damage cells when they run rampant."

What drives these incendiary troublemakers and allows them to drive cellular mayhem? 

Stress.  All types of stress.

If, as I suggested, free radicals are the culprits behind cellular breakdown and aging, it follows that if we can mitigate, neutralize, or stop free radicals, we can in essence halt the breakdown humans experience as they age.

Here’s another interesting and VITAL POINT.

The tools and vehicles to slow, halt, or reverse oxidation are found in nature. 

Every single one of them.

Sometime around 1500 AD, the philosopher Paracelsus said, "The art of healing comes from nature, not from the physician."

That doesn’t mean you have to go into the rainforest and eat grubs and trees and berries, but it should shift the focus away from all the “procedures” and “treatments” people undergo hoping to regain youth.

Botox injections, facial fillers, skin exfoliants, microblading, and chemical peels are all cosmetic in their promise and delivery, but haven't any effect on the aging process itself.

I guess the question that begs to be asked is, "do you want to look younger, or be younger," and while one may argue the virtue of being "chronologically younger," I can state with all certainty that a series of strategies and behaviors can create "biologically younger" cells and bodies.  For my money, that's the dream.  Younger.  Better.  Stronger.

In this article I'll bob and weave, sharing what may appear to be random ideas, moving from antioxidants to carbon, from pomegranates, worms, and mice to exercise, but there's a method to my madness.  I want you to get a sense of both, the science, and the simplicity of the elements of my Younger Better Stronger program that make it both do-able and beneficial. 

I think I'll even add "fun." 

Yes, the entire experience of rediscovering youth is fun.

I’ll roll forward by giving you an example of one of the “strategies.”  This is not "the key to youth" but rather a single component of the many we use to restore the elements of youth.  The "power" isn't in any single element of the process of "Biological Regenesis," but rather in the combination.

It's only with that understanding that I introduce you to . . . 


This strategic element of restoring youth comes in the form of “a drink.”  It isn't a drink you purchase in the health food store nor is it a mix that you shake up in your water bottle.  You make this one . . . with natural ingredients and reverence for their innate life-force and their ability to deliver "anti-oxidants," molecular scavengers that hunt and neutralize those pesky free radicals.

Mixing a handful of foods in a blender and drinking a delicious drink (really it is delicious) once a day stops free radical damage in its tracks and mitigates the degenerative effects of stress, which translates to, this remarkable drink slows or reverses degenerative aging.

What’s in the drink?

Is it weird stuff?  Algae and chia seeds?  No (although those are certainly welcome).  One of the blended foods is a miraculous root that is loaded with betalains.

What are betalains?

They’re a form of those antioxidants I was just talking about (they scavenge free radicals and halt oxidation), but that’s only the beginning.  They are also anti-inflammatory (this is vitally important as you'll soon see) and have been demonstrated in an extensive body of research to reverse pathologies including arthritis, hypertension, and liver disease.  To take it a step further, continued research clearly indicates betalains can have a powerful role in the reversal of type 2 diabetes, atherosclerosis, and even some forms of cancer.

The pharmaceutical companies continue to research the opportunities to capture betalain properties in a drug, and lots of supplement companies will try to sell you betalains in capsules, but here’s the beauty of nature.

 The miracle root is a beet. 

Yes, that red turnip-looking thing with lots of greens growing out of the top.  Most of us wouldn’t think of beets as a regular meal option, nor would we imagine they mix up in the blender into a delicious tasting remedy for virtually all that ails those who suffer the maladies of aging.  This, my friend, is why I can call the Younger, Better, Stronger program miraculous.  Because it utilizes the gifts of movement, air, nature, food, thought, mindset, and “flow” to conquer oxidation and aging in a way that no drug or procedure can even hope to.

No, the beet isn’t the secret.  It’s simply one ingredient in one drink that will integrate with 42 unique and immutable principles to help you rediscover your best self.

Before you go blend up a beet, know that the “elixir” also contains urolithin A

Hmm.  Before I go on I think it's time for another vital point or two.

Remember just moments ago I mentioned that betalains are anti-inflammatory?  Hold on to your telomeres (another topic for another article)!  With this vital point the value of anti-inflammatory compounds reaches a new high.  Here goes . . .


VITAL POINT: Inflammation is the root cause of al chronic disease

This concept merits a series of articles or a 3-hour seminar, but for now, I'll share a few important thoughts.

While the conventions of our medical field "treat" chronic disease with medications that manage or mitigate the symptoms, not a single one of those drugs is curative.  The reason?  They fail to address the true source of the emergence of symptoms.  Inflammation.

If we can reduce or reverse inflammation, we take on a new power, the power to reverse chronic disease, and with the 42 principles that underlie the Younger Better Stronger program, that's precisely what we do.

One more . . . 


VITAL POINT: the health and integrity of the mitochondria are directly responsible for youthful energy, power, and performance.

The mitochondria are the microscopic factories that literally produce energy, and you have roughly 10 million billion of them.  For real!

Any program aimed at restoring youth will strive to reduce inflammation and support mitochondrial regenesis.

And that brings us right back to Urolithin A.

What is it?  Its a natural polyphenol that has been evidence in extensive peer-reviewed research to result in the growth of “young new mitochondria, restored metabolic function in those who have moved away from “optimal,” greater muscle contractile strength, and in animal studies . . . it demonstrate a profound ability to extend health and lifespan.

To get Urolithin A you don’t have to buy a supplement. 

You just have to find a pomegranate or some pomegranate seeds at a local grocery store or natural market and mix them into your beet elixir, along with other miraculous compounds that together really create a Super Antioxidant Elixir aiming right at restoring your youthful vitality.

Want the Complete Smoothie Recipe Now?

IS there more to the nutrition than just a red-colored smoothie?


Of course!  I’ve learned to employ a unique but all-powerful system of nutrition which I’ve coined, “Circadian Nutrition.”

It matches figurative “seasons” of exercise with matching “seasons” of eating. 

In Phase I we boost metabolism. 

In Phase II, the exercise and eating shift to an approach designed to dramatically enhance fat loss. 

In Phase III we optimize the systems of the body, restore hormonal balance, and detoxify the gut and the cell.

There’s no extreme dieting, no calorie deprivation, and no severe restriction of anything at any time.  In the Younger Better Stronger Program I provide a simple and guaranteed method of eliminating sugar cravings within 3 days, and once you understand the health obstacles that come along with ingestion of what I call “energy disruptors” (sugars, alcohol, bleached, processed, and refined carbohydrates), you learn to restore insulin optimization, supportive appetite, and an optimized environment for fat release, regardless of your history. 

Over the course of the 8-weeks of the Younger Better Stronger Program, you’ll easily employ this simple-to-implement simple-to-follow system of enjoying food.  Forever.

Are there SUPPLEMENTS that play into the equation? 


You don’t need them though.  We can get all of our vital nutrients from natural organic foods.

If, however, there is a naturally existing compound that can contribute to our quest for ultimately youthfulness, we should at least know about it, right?

While astaxanthin (found in wild caught salmon), NAD+ (found in every living cell in humans, animals, and plants), and clinoptilolite (a powerful cellular detoxifying agent with a natural mineral zeolite as its source) have all demonstrated value in supplemental use in credible research, and while prebiotics, probiotics, enzymes, and nature's anti-inflammatories have clear value in any human betterment program, there is one element that stands alone in its life-extending potential.

Science’s revelation of the power of “fullerenes,” molecular carbon cages we can swallow in a base of olive oil, demonstrates this remarkable compound’s power to literally DOUBLE the lifespan of worms and rodents.  The particular carbon cage spotlighted in research has 60 sides and with that structure come miraculous anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidative, and anti-aging properties.

Find Out More About Younger Better Stronger Supplements

I know.  You were paying attention and you noticed I said the research was performed on worms and rodents.  You’re not a worm, and you aren’t a rodent.

I didn’t think you were, but there’s a challenge with lifespan studies. 

To do human research on a compound suspected to extend lifespan, the study would have to run upwards of 80 years, and unless we find the fountain of youth or anti-aging pill quickly, few of us have that kind of time to wait.

Some worms, ideal for lifespan studies, have a lifespan of only several weeks, so if a compound doubles the species’ typical lifespan, we’ll see that pretty quickly.  Mice live longer than worms, but nowhere near as long as we plan to, and they’re a bit more like us than worms, so these studies give us insights.

This carbon cage research is truly mind-blowing.  This compound is inexpensive, and its evidenced youth properties are almost ridiculous.  And real.

At this point I intended only to share a few key points and share insights as to how they are all integrated into a program aimed at healing, balancing, restoring, and regenerating.  And with that, I've barely given you a peek.

There’s more. 

Much more. 

There's breath.  Mindset.  Meditation (90 seconds twice per day . . . seriously, with a profound and shocking outcome).  And then of course, there's exercise.


When it comes to exercise, conventional weight training and aerobic exercise is fantastic for optimizing health and performance of a healthy 16 – 29 year old with a solid metabolism, hormonal balance, and an immune system that has not yet become corrupted or compromised.  After 30 years in the field, working with people of all ages and physical conditions, I’ve seen repeatedly “the entropy point.” 

Entropy refers to "the breakdown of everything in the universe."  It's an inevitable event in everything natural.  "Entropy Point" is the point where systemic balance becomes corrupted.

Sometimes it begins in the gut with a population-wide pathology we call dysbiosis (imbalance of the microbiome).  Other times there's an autoimmune trigger.  Today, over 65% of our adult population over the age of 45 has been diagnosed with at least one chronic condition and is on at least one medication.  In the great majority of cases, the onset of chronic pathologies are preventable and . .  reversible, and returning to a theme I touched on earlier, the pharmaceutical interventions are what I can only call a mistake.  It isn’t that they don’t have an effect.  It’s simply that they haven’t any ability to reverse a condition or cure a disease.

The innate healing power of the immune and parasympathetic nervous systems can do that, but they have to be prompted with a series of actions including physical, systemic, and nutritional optimization.  Once someone begins to move along the disease continuum, whether it begins with joint pain, fatigue, muscle ache, brain fog, or digestive disruption, they are in a battle between their ability to handle and manage “stress load” and summon the available powers of “recovery.” 

Time for one more VITAL POINT.


When stress load exceeds recovery, you hit the "Entropy Point."

STRESS LOAD is the combination a single individual experiences as a sum total of mental, emotional, physical, systemic, toxic, and social stress.  A young healthy body and mind can "recover" from significant stressors, but when entropy meets life challenges, "breakdown" amplifies, and in a state of "overstress" intensive exercise can perpetuate the degenerative aging process.

That’s why the Younger Better Stronger approach integrates strategies borrowed from Eastern wisdom,, traditional Chinese medicine, exercise science, kinesiology, and neuromuscular conditioning.  The routine does include resistance exercise and aerobic movement, but in a way that stimulates your body’s innate healing power.

The exercise routine isn’t just “a walk” or “sets and reps” or “an hour in the gym.”  It’s a near-miraculous experience that “lights you up” and within days initiates a clear sense of betterment.

By “pushing back entropy point,” we reinstall the programs of youth, restoring metabolic function, overriding weight loss resistance, restoring hormonal balance, and regenerating tissue.

When I told you this is a multi-faceted approach I meant it.  By coming to learn, understand, and implement truths and secrets, you gain control of your body, brain, and mind in a way you likely never imagined.

Wanna get younger?

Find out more about the Younger Better Stronger Program.

I Want to Be Younger

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