Proven & Trusted

Delivered in top medical centers and health facilities worldwide.  Over 12,000 people have lost over 125,000 pounds of fat!

Built on Science

The program is structured upon 42 Immutable Principles of Science backed by a massive body of evidence

Simple & Effective

The strategies are simple, the exercises customized to your level, and the outcomes are consistently astounding

Reverse Weight Loss Resistance

The challenge most Americans have in losing weight has  little to do with willpower or laziness.  The fact is, it's a metabolic compromise that afllicts near 70% of American adults.  The Metabolic Reboot addresses the key variables that restrict metabolism and allows anyone, regardless of history, to re-awaking Divine Metabolic power.

By integrating a 6-Point Strategy, directing energy toward a rebalancing of neural wiring (brain), immune  system, the Microbiome (gut) and vital elements of energy healing, a simplistic mix of "Supportive Eating" (real food) and strategic whole-body exercise optimizes systemic use of metabolic energy.  All systems operate in harmony as alleviation of the  all-too-common stress response makes way for fat loss, healing, and restoration of metabolic power.

Designed as the Fix for Chronic Disease

65% of American Adults have been diagnosed with at leasat one chronic disease, and there isn't a single medication that will "work" to reverse or eradicate any such disease.

The Reboot restores the healing power you were born with, reversing inflammation (the root cause of disease), optimizing nervous system balance, circulation, respiraion, and detoxification.  Hundreds of men and women have reversed Type 2 Diabetes, Hypothyroidism, autoimmune concerns, and metabolic syndrome.  The protocol is a thorough re-creation of the innate human programs that dictate health and well-being.

Karlene Myers

"Lovin' the power the Metabolic Reboot has brought me. I finally understand the role your mindset plays in your success (and your failures)! Finally, I have clarity with exercise, food, and attitude, thanks to the Metabolic Reboot!!!!  And my body is responding in more ways than I can count!"

John Willie

“I must admit I was skeptical at first.  I lost over 20lbs during that 3 weeks and have lost another 10lbs in the weeks that followed. My wife jumped in and she lost 12 pounds, and my daughter 9 pounds. My advice?  Relax and enjoy the healthful, fun, inspiring ride!"


Circadian Nutrition

The Nutrition Plan has absolutely nothing to do with restriction.  It guides you through three (3) phases, Metabolism Boosting, Fat Loss, and Cleansing and Detox for a thrilling result.  The vast resources include The Metabolic Meals Recipe Guide.

The 9-Minute Recharge

The exercise sessions are incredibly efficient beginning with a 9-minute routine that stimulates dramatic shifts in muscle development, bone density, and alleviation of chronic stress.  This online version of the Reboot includes detailed video direction.

Mindset Miracles

The Reboot includes powerful exercises (simple and stress-free) bassd on the newest science of Neuroplasticity to initiate profoun shifts in thoughts and actions. A full mini-course includes the TAO (Thoughts, Actions, Outcomes) strategy for change.


Get Started

Begin Your Metabolic Reboot Now!.

OK, I'm Ready to Get Started! Reboot Me!

Fat Loss After Christmas - Oh-What-Ick?

Dec 26, 2024

Metabolic Power - The Key to Everything

Aug 30, 2024

Weight Loss Resistance: The #1 Plague

Aug 19, 2024

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