Phil Kaplan's Human Betterment Program: There's One For You!

The Programs

The Metabolic Reboot

Phil's Flagship Program Created to Reverse Chronic Disease, Restore Metabolic Excellence, and Conver the  Human Body into a Fat Burning Machine.

Details on The Metabolic Reboot

Younger Better Stronger

An 8-Week Reduction in Biological Age.  Simplified, You Get Younger!  Amplified, You Get Better!  And as a Side Effect, You Get Stronger!

Details on Younger Better Stronger


Time-Tested Legendary Physique Program, a responsible for the careers of thousands of leading physique athletes and fitness professionals.

Get Details on TRANSFORM


The Plateau-Busting Program Combining Revelations in Exercise Science with Old-School Weight Training Principles To Shape and Structure Lean Bodies.

Get Details on Disruption

7 Day Reboot &Detox

The most powerful system for optimizing metabolism and clearing Negative Energy.  Addressing the impact of the Human Biofield, this 7 day indulgence is a realignment of body, mind, and spirit.

Reboot and Detox Deets

Not Sure Which One is For You?

We'll Figure it Out Together

Let's Choose "The Best" Program For You Right Now!