Welcome to the NEW philkaplan.com

The Monster on Your Bathroom Floor

by Phil Kaplan


On Thursday, July 25, at 7 PM,
I’ll be conducting a 90-minute online seminar
sharing insight about weight loss, betterment,
and health that you’ve never heard before. 

The webinar will open with “the 8 Reasons for Weight Loss Failure.”


You can get the complete list here:



In this BLOG POST I’ll explain the first of the eight Reasons.




You Focus on Weight, in Partnership with the Evil Devious Scale!


In most cases, with most things, we cannot establish a blanket determination as to whether the thing is good or bad, benevolent or evil.

Want some examples?


Alcohol, good or bad?  Hmmm.  Not a simple answer.




Sometimes the judgment will come from experience, other times from circumstance.

Whether ice cream, bananas, heat, or cold are good or bad “depends.”

There is one exception.

The object I’m...

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Oh, Oh, Oprah - Ozempic

by Phil Kaplan

Last week I told you about our breakthrough Affordable 14-Day Metabolic Fat Loss Program, IMPACT14, and in the same week word got out. 

Oprah’s on Ozempic.

One of those two options (IMPACT14, Ozempic) will help people restore health and metabolic excellence, the other will leave a great many disappointed with varied levels of regret.

I’ll say nothing about Oprah and her weight loss journey.  It’s clear she’s one of the most influential icons in the world with one of the most public struggles in that arena, but I’ll also ask you to stop and think before you join the “Oprah did it so it must be good” club.

Ozempic, Wegovy, Mounjaro, and the like are NOT magic weight loss solutions, they do come with risks, and I encourage anyone, before considering usage, to first learn what a “black box warning” is, and secondly, to read the package materials that accompanies these “new” drugs.

Here, according...

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