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Can Arthritis Be Cured?

by Phil Kaplan


It usually starts with aching joints.

“My knees hurt when I get out of the car after a long drive.”

“My shoulders and elbows ache when I put the grocery bags in the trunk.”

“My hands hurt when I make my juice in the morning and I’m really stiff when I get out of bed”

These insidious clues to a progressing arthritic condition aren’t usually cause for alarm, but the disease is progressive and as more joints become affected or pain and stiffness worsen, the search for solutions leads to medical diagnosis, and while arthritis is thought of as both commonly manageable, conventional medicine, including docs at Johns Hopkins, Mayo Clinic, and Cleveland Clinic will perpetuate the belief that the condition isn’t curable.

That doesn’t mean the prognosis is dismal.  It just means their approach is to manage the condition using means such as medications, therapies, and treatments that may mitigate...

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BPC – 157: A Therapeutic Remedy for Mind, Gut . . . and Body!


As I pursue the science of anti-aging and its associated strategies and hacks, we have to consider "protection" and "recovery" related to joint injuries, whether they begin as acute or they're simply the result of years of wear and tear, and this remarkable peptide-chain may have a solid place in your overall human optimization program.


In 1998 I was privy to eye-opening research related to the value of varied oligopeptides in recovery and anabolism when consumed post-workout.  The research concluded that consumption of di-peptides and tri-peptides in a 50%-50% ratio brought the greatest outcome in optimizing both recovery and muscle growth.

We’re all very aware of proteins as macronutrient structures made up of amino acids, and in a macro sense, we attempt to calculate how much protein we should consume to optimize training outcomes.  The science gets really interesting when we look, not only at the proteins themselves,...

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