Welcome to the NEW philkaplan.com

The Monster on Your Bathroom Floor

by Phil Kaplan


On Thursday, July 25, at 7 PM,
I’ll be conducting a 90-minute online seminar
sharing insight about weight loss, betterment,
and health that you’ve never heard before. 

The webinar will open with “the 8 Reasons for Weight Loss Failure.”


You can get the complete list here:



In this BLOG POST I’ll explain the first of the eight Reasons.




You Focus on Weight, in Partnership with the Evil Devious Scale!


In most cases, with most things, we cannot establish a blanket determination as to whether the thing is good or bad, benevolent or evil.

Want some examples?


Alcohol, good or bad?  Hmmm.  Not a simple answer.




Sometimes the judgment will come from experience, other times from circumstance.

Whether ice cream, bananas, heat, or cold are good or bad “depends.”

There is one exception.

The object I’m...

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Oh, Oh, Oprah - Ozempic

by Phil Kaplan

Last week I told you about our breakthrough Affordable 14-Day Metabolic Fat Loss Program, IMPACT14, and in the same week word got out. 

Oprah’s on Ozempic.

One of those two options (IMPACT14, Ozempic) will help people restore health and metabolic excellence, the other will leave a great many disappointed with varied levels of regret.

I’ll say nothing about Oprah and her weight loss journey.  It’s clear she’s one of the most influential icons in the world with one of the most public struggles in that arena, but I’ll also ask you to stop and think before you join the “Oprah did it so it must be good” club.

Ozempic, Wegovy, Mounjaro, and the like are NOT magic weight loss solutions, they do come with risks, and I encourage anyone, before considering usage, to first learn what a “black box warning” is, and secondly, to read the package materials that accompanies these “new” drugs.

Here, according...

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When Calories Don't Matter and Gluttony is King

When Gluttony is King

(of Metabolism That Is).


Thanksgiving Week.  Here’s a very real choice. 

(1) Enjoy the Thanksgiving Meal and move away from optimal health

(2) Enjoy the Thanksgiving Meal and Boost Metabolism in the Process

This isn’t a joke.  You really can make that choice. 

A significant body of evidence demonstrates some rather interesting facts. 

The average American will gain .5 kg of body weight  over the 24-hour period beginning at Noon on Thanksgiving Day.

Hull, H.R., Radley, D., Dinger, M.K. et al. 
The effect of the Thanksgiving Holiday on weight gain. Nutr J 5, 29 (2006).

That may not sound significant, but there are two factors based on peer-reviewed published studies that merit consideration.

Firstly, the weight gain, although minimal, isn’t “lost” after the holiday. 

Secondly, most will accumulate closer to 7 kg over the weeks to follow and will not lose it post-Holiday...

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It's Not "the Thing," it's Synergy!

For years I started my seminars with two words.

 Nothing works.

It’s true.

If the goal involves improvement in health, metabolism, function, or performance, nothing works . . . in and of itself.

The key to achieving betterment through exercise and lifestyle is Synergy, the synergistic relationship between what you eat, what you do, what you think, and how you operate within the social, chemical, and natural environment.

It’s the flawed idea that  suggests “a thing” will fix Lyme Disease, chronic fatigue, obesity, diabetes, chronic pain, injury, or hypothyroidism that leads to polarization and ultimately flawed attempts.

"I ate a blueberry and I got COVID anyway!  Antioxidants don't work!"

Clearly that would be an absurd assumption, a false conclusion.  "The thing" doesn't singlehandedly do the job.

Flawed attempts result in false conclusions.  I can give you thousands of examples.  Such as . . . 

"I tried losing...

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The Words That Ensure Health and Weight Loss Failure

Resolving the "But Problem"

by Phil Kaplan


There are pivotal moments before somebody’s future unfolds. 

In those precious moments, there’s the possibility of going down a path of health, vitality, and physical excellence, and then . . . there’s the other path.  The one that leads to discontent, frustration, and a complete loss of power.

When any man or woman is face-to-face with a legitimate solution to their physical ailments, their weight issues, or their diagnosed disease, a single word and one of 5 phrases eliminate any possibility of finding betterment.

Let’s start with the single word.


That’s It.

They all say “but,” followed by one of 5 phrases.  And then, in those celebratory cases where we get past the “but,” those cases where we share a combination of truth and power, the people transform. 


For the better.

I’m not talking about a little...

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Your Appetite. Are you a Victim or the Creator?

“No matter what I do I can’t lose weight.”

It’s a fair conclusion after a series of failed attempts.  It aligns with another oft-concluded mantra.

“Nothing works.”

Both statements find followers, hard-core advocates of the truth behind the words, and the habitual thinking of those words is certain to ensure they’re proven valid.


So let’s change the belief!  Then we can change the outcome!

Reactively creating subtle but controlling self-talk is precisely how people become victimized by flawed attempts, misinformation, and all-out fraud in the arena of “weight loss.”

The perceived failure creates thoughts of “can’t,” thoughts of limitation, and the mental “looping” of the false conclusions cement these thoughts into an ever-increasing belief.

The real problem lies not in the ability or lack of ability to lose weight, but rather in...

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Healthy Bread, Myth or Reality?

Bread.  Americans have had a love affair with it, at least from the time I entered this world.  My mom would make me grilled cheese sandwiches, I was a massive fan of PB&J, and most days my lunchbox contained a sandwich. 

Know this.  I was carrying my lunchbox to school in 1969!  The world has changed!  The air has changed, communication has changed, and BREAD HAS CHANGED!

Let’s take it a step further.  The WHEAT has changed!  And in terms of human health and nutrition, not for the better.

It’s hard to answer the question, “can I eat bread during my fat loss journey” with a simple yes or no, but the easiest most accurate answer would have to fall closer to “No” than “Yes.”


My 1969 PB&J sandwiches were made on white bread.  We didn’t know of any other.  Wonder Bread to be precise.  It was a staple, not only in my life, but in virtually every American...

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