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Oh, Oh, Oprah - Ozempic

by Phil Kaplan

Last week I told you about our breakthrough Affordable 14-Day Metabolic Fat Loss Program, IMPACT14, and in the same week word got out. 

Oprah’s on Ozempic.

One of those two options (IMPACT14, Ozempic) will help people restore health and metabolic excellence, the other will leave a great many disappointed with varied levels of regret.

I’ll say nothing about Oprah and her weight loss journey.  It’s clear she’s one of the most influential icons in the world with one of the most public struggles in that arena, but I’ll also ask you to stop and think before you join the “Oprah did it so it must be good” club.

Ozempic, Wegovy, Mounjaro, and the like are NOT magic weight loss solutions, they do come with risks, and I encourage anyone, before considering usage, to first learn what a “black box warning” is, and secondly, to read the package materials that accompanies these “new” drugs.

Here, according...

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It's Not "the Thing," it's Synergy!

For years I started my seminars with two words.

 Nothing works.

It’s true.

If the goal involves improvement in health, metabolism, function, or performance, nothing works . . . in and of itself.

The key to achieving betterment through exercise and lifestyle is Synergy, the synergistic relationship between what you eat, what you do, what you think, and how you operate within the social, chemical, and natural environment.

It’s the flawed idea that  suggests “a thing” will fix Lyme Disease, chronic fatigue, obesity, diabetes, chronic pain, injury, or hypothyroidism that leads to polarization and ultimately flawed attempts.

"I ate a blueberry and I got COVID anyway!  Antioxidants don't work!"

Clearly that would be an absurd assumption, a false conclusion.  "The thing" doesn't singlehandedly do the job.

Flawed attempts result in false conclusions.  I can give you thousands of examples.  Such as . . . 

"I tried losing...

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The Words That Ensure Health and Weight Loss Failure

Resolving the "But Problem"

by Phil Kaplan


There are pivotal moments before somebody’s future unfolds. 

In those precious moments, there’s the possibility of going down a path of health, vitality, and physical excellence, and then . . . there’s the other path.  The one that leads to discontent, frustration, and a complete loss of power.

When any man or woman is face-to-face with a legitimate solution to their physical ailments, their weight issues, or their diagnosed disease, a single word and one of 5 phrases eliminate any possibility of finding betterment.

Let’s start with the single word.


That’s It.

They all say “but,” followed by one of 5 phrases.  And then, in those celebratory cases where we get past the “but,” those cases where we share a combination of truth and power, the people transform. 


For the better.

I’m not talking about a little...

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Breathing, Peeing, and Sweating out Fat!

At Biohackers, Infinite IMPACT, and in the training facilities of all of my affiliated coaches, people are going through the Metabolic Reboot Program and losing fat.

All told, we’re talking about hundreds of pounds of fat leaving bodies every 21 days.

Inquiring minds and skeptics alike may ponder an enigmatic concern.

Where does fat go when its burned? 

After all, every student of physics knows, matter cannot be destroyed.  It can only be changed.

Are there globs of fat just floating around the universe?  Does it land on other unsuspecting people who then need their own journeys through the Reboot?  Is there a massive fat accumulation in the ocean forming an adipose island?

“Where does the fat go?” is a good question, and as all good questions it deserves a good answer.

Here’s the step-by-step for a “Rebooter.”

  1. By integrating lymphatic activity, cellular oxygenation, rapid and systemic muscular challenge and a careful...
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Red Light, Fat Loss, and Health. Legit or Scam?

Want to boost brain, energy, metabolism, and mood? 

OK, then get up early. 

Not just a little early.  I mean wake up when it’s still dark out, in the moments just before sunrise. 

Then stand outside naked and wait.

You’re slowly bathed in red-hued radiance, absorbing light energy that comes directly from the center of the solar system, directly from the natural heavens, directly from the sun.

I know.  You’ve heard bad things about the sun.  Sure, it illuminates the world and makes plants grow, but what about all the stories of sunburn and skin cancer?

Let’s begin by recognizing that the sun radiates a whole lot of electromagnetic energy and sunlight can be divided into three primary types, infrared, visible, and ultraviolet (we can include Gamma Rays and other invisible photo-energies, but for our purposes, lets' stick to the three).

When we consider "three different types" of sunlight, we begin to see a distinction, and with...

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Human Transformation & Healing - Are Miracles Possible?

fat loss mindset Jul 28, 2022

Miracles occur in regeneration and restoration of human form and function when modern science meets ancient healing wisdom.

“I can’t believe it” is a common expression my clients excitedly spout out after achieving precisely what they once identified as a desire.  I find it heartwarming, but also a bit comical.

Why would I see an expression of joy as comical?

I don’t.  It isn’t the joy I find comical, it’s the revelation that they didn’t believe the outcome was possible, at least not initially.  At some point they took a leap of faith and the leap itself prompted belief change.

My programs have been changing bodies and lives for decades.  Thousands of bodies and lives over the course of three decades to be precise.  And the miracles continue.  Let’s understand, before we go on, what a miracle is.

Miracle. It suggests that something happened that was not only unexpected, it was somehow divine, as in the...

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Healthy Bread, Myth or Reality?

Bread.  Americans have had a love affair with it, at least from the time I entered this world.  My mom would make me grilled cheese sandwiches, I was a massive fan of PB&J, and most days my lunchbox contained a sandwich. 

Know this.  I was carrying my lunchbox to school in 1969!  The world has changed!  The air has changed, communication has changed, and BREAD HAS CHANGED!

Let’s take it a step further.  The WHEAT has changed!  And in terms of human health and nutrition, not for the better.

It’s hard to answer the question, “can I eat bread during my fat loss journey” with a simple yes or no, but the easiest most accurate answer would have to fall closer to “No” than “Yes.”


My 1969 PB&J sandwiches were made on white bread.  We didn’t know of any other.  Wonder Bread to be precise.  It was a staple, not only in my life, but in virtually every American...

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Carbs are Like Air

dieting fat loss low-carb Oct 05, 2020

I’m very familiar with the carbs, good or bad debate.  I’m well versed in Paleo, Plant-Based, Keto, and Vegan.  I’ve debated nutritionists, physicians, even Dr. Atkins (live on radio) about the failings of globalizing either of the polar extremes. 

To indict carbs as villainous would be the equivalent of calling air bad for you.

Let me make my point. 

The atmosphere contains air.  Air contains oxygen.  Oxygen is vital for survival, let alone health.  We, thankfully, can obtain oxygen from the atmosphere, in great part, because of the miracle of photosynthesis.

Stay with me.

Food contains carbohydrates.  Foods we categorize as “carbs” can contain glucose molecules which we need for metabolic function.  Those beneficial glucose molecules are available to us, in great part, because of the miracle of photosynthesis.

Already I know those that are polarized or prone to argue will insist we do not need glucose, that...

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Keto: the Answer or a Plunge into the Diet Abyss?

 You’ve heard that “Keto” is the solution to all of your weight loss woes?  Fat will leave you, abs will arrive, and the whole world will be a better brighter place? 

Then you need to create “ketones.”

In order to get into a state where significant ketone bodies are being produced and are actively traveling in your bloodstream, you have some work to do. 

The first step, if your only goal is to “get into ketosis” is a simple one. 

Take a forkful of lamb or a juicy pork chop.  Wrap it in cheese.  Then put butter all over it and wrap it in a nice hunk of fried bacon and a rich green leaf of romaine lettuce.  Dip it in coconut oil, eat it, then do it again.  A few hours later, repeat.

For those reading this who are already foaming at the mouth, not from the meal fantasy I just outlined but because they’re reactively jacked to defend their commitment to keto, please don’t mistake my absurd...

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