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What's the Deal with B12?


At Infinite Impact, in our arsenal of tools and therapies, we include B12 injections. 

In people who present B12 insufficiency, the outcomes are often profound. 

In healthy folks with B12 levels “in range” there may be a mix of some metabolic benefit and placebo.  Bodybuilders and endurance athletes often swear it contributes to recovery.


I believe three factors are making the question “do you offer B12” far more common.


  1. We’re actually seeing increased incidence of B12 insufficiency in specific   (1) Adults over 60 (2) People of all ages with gastointestnal disorders

  2. More IV stores are opening and it’s gaining great awareness in the mainstream

  3. After COVID created a new awareness, the desire to take control of health has led many people to seek out IV Therapy as a supplemental player in their  immune health


As when anything hits the mainstream (or the internet) with promise of...

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