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Dying to Lose Weight All Over Again

by Phil Kaplan

In my list of 8 Reasons for Weight Loss failure, I include, as #2, “People rely on a drug or supplement to serve as a solution.”

I'll share some powerful insights in this blog post and provide you with additional resources if  you seek to understand  further.

First, I invite you to REGISTER for a Live Webinar, July 25, where I'll share unreleased strategies for restoring metabolism and removing energy blocks in only 7 days.  FREE!

BE SURE TO REGISTER (article continues below)

The allure of a weight loss drug rivals the allure of muscle-building cheesecake or a fragrance that makes you irresistibly attractive. 

All 3 seductive offers (fat burning drugs, food that has a muscle-building effect, and pheromone products that have suitors lining up to win you over) have found their way into the marketplace, and the simple truth is . . . as far as a consumer payoff, it just ain’t happnin’.

Of the three, magic foods, sexually...

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When Calories Don't Matter and Gluttony is King

When Gluttony is King

(of Metabolism That Is).


Thanksgiving Week.  Here’s a very real choice. 

(1) Enjoy the Thanksgiving Meal and move away from optimal health

(2) Enjoy the Thanksgiving Meal and Boost Metabolism in the Process

This isn’t a joke.  You really can make that choice. 

A significant body of evidence demonstrates some rather interesting facts. 

The average American will gain .5 kg of body weight  over the 24-hour period beginning at Noon on Thanksgiving Day.

Hull, H.R., Radley, D., Dinger, M.K. et al. 
The effect of the Thanksgiving Holiday on weight gain. Nutr J 5, 29 (2006).

That may not sound significant, but there are two factors based on peer-reviewed published studies that merit consideration.

Firstly, the weight gain, although minimal, isn’t “lost” after the holiday. 

Secondly, most will accumulate closer to 7 kg over the weeks to follow and will not lose it post-Holiday...

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It's Not "the Thing," it's Synergy!

For years I started my seminars with two words.

 Nothing works.

It’s true.

If the goal involves improvement in health, metabolism, function, or performance, nothing works . . . in and of itself.

The key to achieving betterment through exercise and lifestyle is Synergy, the synergistic relationship between what you eat, what you do, what you think, and how you operate within the social, chemical, and natural environment.

It’s the flawed idea that  suggests “a thing” will fix Lyme Disease, chronic fatigue, obesity, diabetes, chronic pain, injury, or hypothyroidism that leads to polarization and ultimately flawed attempts.

"I ate a blueberry and I got COVID anyway!  Antioxidants don't work!"

Clearly that would be an absurd assumption, a false conclusion.  "The thing" doesn't singlehandedly do the job.

Flawed attempts result in false conclusions.  I can give you thousands of examples.  Such as . . . 

"I tried losing...

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Gimme Drugs Gimme Drugs

Have Americans Given Up Their Own Power?

by Phil Kaplan


Want drugs?

Yellowstone Park, Forest Hills, NY, circa 1976. 

Jamie sold quaaludes. 

Micky was the weed dealer (he usually had Acapulco Gold). 

Crackerjack sold hash and sometimes had baggies full of Dexadrine.

And then there was a section where powders and the dangerous stuff could be found.

Cars would pull in, folks of all shapes, colors, and sizes would reach out their windows, buy their drugs, and car engines would roar as they’d head off to concerts, gatherings, parties, and whatever the weekend held in store.

Every once in awhile a police car would pull in, everyone would disperse, and 20 minutes later business would resume.

As the buyers pulled away with their merchandise they were fulfilled.

They could now have fun.  They had their drugs.

I was 16.  Not yet old enough to drive, but I went along as a passenger (had a crush on a girl named Gail who was a regular at...

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The Words That Ensure Health and Weight Loss Failure

Resolving the "But Problem"

by Phil Kaplan


There are pivotal moments before somebody’s future unfolds. 

In those precious moments, there’s the possibility of going down a path of health, vitality, and physical excellence, and then . . . there’s the other path.  The one that leads to discontent, frustration, and a complete loss of power.

When any man or woman is face-to-face with a legitimate solution to their physical ailments, their weight issues, or their diagnosed disease, a single word and one of 5 phrases eliminate any possibility of finding betterment.

Let’s start with the single word.


That’s It.

They all say “but,” followed by one of 5 phrases.  And then, in those celebratory cases where we get past the “but,” those cases where we share a combination of truth and power, the people transform. 


For the better.

I’m not talking about a little...

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Breathing, Peeing, and Sweating out Fat!

At Biohackers, Infinite IMPACT, and in the training facilities of all of my affiliated coaches, people are going through the Metabolic Reboot Program and losing fat.

All told, we’re talking about hundreds of pounds of fat leaving bodies every 21 days.

Inquiring minds and skeptics alike may ponder an enigmatic concern.

Where does fat go when its burned? 

After all, every student of physics knows, matter cannot be destroyed.  It can only be changed.

Are there globs of fat just floating around the universe?  Does it land on other unsuspecting people who then need their own journeys through the Reboot?  Is there a massive fat accumulation in the ocean forming an adipose island?

“Where does the fat go?” is a good question, and as all good questions it deserves a good answer.

Here’s the step-by-step for a “Rebooter.”

  1. By integrating lymphatic activity, cellular oxygenation, rapid and systemic muscular challenge and a careful...
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Your Appetite. Are you a Victim or the Creator?

“No matter what I do I can’t lose weight.”

It’s a fair conclusion after a series of failed attempts.  It aligns with another oft-concluded mantra.

“Nothing works.”

Both statements find followers, hard-core advocates of the truth behind the words, and the habitual thinking of those words is certain to ensure they’re proven valid.


So let’s change the belief!  Then we can change the outcome!

Reactively creating subtle but controlling self-talk is precisely how people become victimized by flawed attempts, misinformation, and all-out fraud in the arena of “weight loss.”

The perceived failure creates thoughts of “can’t,” thoughts of limitation, and the mental “looping” of the false conclusions cement these thoughts into an ever-increasing belief.

The real problem lies not in the ability or lack of ability to lose weight, but rather in...

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Get Young Again


The Human Phenomenon of Getting Younger

A Thrilling Report Revealing That “Un-Aging” is Possible

by Phil Kaplan


After years of research, study, and application, we’re seeing clear evidence of “re-genesis,” of human bodies generating new biologically younger cells.


Think about what I just said. 

You can get younger. 

That, my friend, is powerful.

At the end of this article I'll invite you to join me as my guest in a webinar appropriately titled, "Younger."  It's presented LIVE, Monday, April 25, at 7 PM Eastern.  If you have any interest in rediscovering your best, you don't want to miss this event.  You can use the link at the bottom, or, you can just REGISTER FOR FREE NOW.

Let’s now begin with clarity so nothing I’m about to share seems like hype or exaggeration.  From the days of Ponce DeLeon’s exploration seeking the Fountain of Youth, men and women have fantasized...

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