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Weight Loss Resistance: The #1 Plague

From "The People Need to Know" Series

by Phil Kaplan


Key Point:

The greatest contributor to our nation’s health crisis is

Impaired Metabolism as a Direct and Indirect Result of

Neuroendocrine-Disrupting Chemicals.


I can fill this article with statistics about how sick and fat people are. 

I can demonstrate with research and evidence from the National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control how over only 5 decades (a mere blink of an eye when considering how long mankind has lived in civilized societies) obesity and obesity-related diseases have escalated from 5% or less of our population to near 70% of American adults.

Nah.  Not statistics.  That’s not the way to go here. 

A statistical revelation may create a momentary “really?” but for the most part, statistics rarely result in action and the impact wears off as soon as the next distraction shows its shiny veneer.

I can try sharing the most obvious...

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