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Colostrum – Can a Superfood for Babies Create Super Health in Grown-Ups?

Call it God or Nature.  Whatever you hold responsible for the propagation of life, the process of bringing a human or other mammalian baby into this world is filled with complexities, wonder, and miracles. 

Consider the helplessness of a newborn.  It is fully reliant upon the mother for protection, nourishment, and comfort, and then . . . beyond the initial oxytocin-bond and warm-blooded emotion, the newborn must acquire immunity, growth factors, and critical proteins and saccharides to initiate cell division and healthy growth.

And somehow, it arrives!  Enter COLOSTRUM.

Colostrum is the first liquid produced in the mammary glands of mammals (humans included) immediately after giving birth and it is precisely what Nature or God intended.  A powerful bioactive formula containing a super-dose of Immunoglobulins, Lactoferrin (an iron-binding protein with multi-faceted far-reaching support for the immune system), cell and tissue growth factors, amino acids, and...

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Supplementaceuticals 101 - NAC & C60


A Segment in an Ongoing Review of Nutritional Hacks, Stacks, and Complements

By Phil Kaplan


If I were to tell you I’m about to share truths related to the vast array of Supplementaceuticals, you’d likely follow with the well-justified outburst, “Supplementa-whaaaat?”

Don’t worry.  I haven’t exposed a flaw in your retention of vocabulary items.

I’ve simply made up a word. 

Sort of. 

Real or constructed, supplementaceuticals (not to be mistaken for supercalifragilisticexpialadocious) is a long word, and if you suffer from hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia (ironically, a fear of long words), it might shake you up a bit, but I introduce the word with the best of intentions.

If you have a bit of patience and a desire to effectively navigate the nutritional maze, in this series I’m going to shed some light on how you can maximize health, energy, and well-being with the few nutritional...

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