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NAD - The Youth Capsule?

People hear of a “new product” or a “scientific discovery” in the context of purported “miracle” and the buzzing begins.

Such has been the case with NAD (NAD+, NADH).

The buzz leads to the emergence of evangelists armed with nothing more than a catch phrase.

“NAD is great for anti-aging.”

And from said catch phrase, sellers of supplementceuticals find revenues and new profitability as long as they can ride the wave of intrigue and mystery.

I’d like to provide a bit of baseline clarity about this intriguing compound as the research continues to unfold.

Let’s begin with this. 

We don’t really want “anti-aging.” 

Chronological aging represents longevity and we all want long lives.  So while we understand the intention, anti-aging refers not to fighting chronological continuance, but rather to combatting biological breakdown.

We want our lives to move forward, not as an invitation for...

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Supplementaceuticals 101 - NAC & C60


A Segment in an Ongoing Review of Nutritional Hacks, Stacks, and Complements

By Phil Kaplan


If I were to tell you I’m about to share truths related to the vast array of Supplementaceuticals, you’d likely follow with the well-justified outburst, “Supplementa-whaaaat?”

Don’t worry.  I haven’t exposed a flaw in your retention of vocabulary items.

I’ve simply made up a word. 

Sort of. 

Real or constructed, supplementaceuticals (not to be mistaken for supercalifragilisticexpialadocious) is a long word, and if you suffer from hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia (ironically, a fear of long words), it might shake you up a bit, but I introduce the word with the best of intentions.

If you have a bit of patience and a desire to effectively navigate the nutritional maze, in this series I’m going to shed some light on how you can maximize health, energy, and well-being with the few nutritional...

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