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The Truth About Metabolism

From "The People Need to Know" Series

by Phil Kaplan



You Are Not a Victim of Your Metabolism;

You Are The Creator!


It gets blamed for almost everything. 

It gets attacked both verbally and chemically.

It gets starved, confused, injured, and all too often, destroyed.

Yes, Metabolism, among the many who suffer slower variations of it, may be the most villainized misunderstood inner working of the foundational platform of human life.

In fact, along with respiration and circulation, metabolism is among the most vitally important biological functions. 

To simply indict it as an enemy of weight loss is a near-criminal mistake.

Before we engage in a PR campaign for Human Metabolism, and before we attempt any sort of true metabolic rescue, let’s define this thing.



In live seminars, when I ask an audience to define metabolism, I can always count on an audience member sharing a common and familiar anecdote. 


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