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BPC – 157: A Therapeutic Remedy for Mind, Gut . . . and Body!


As I pursue the science of anti-aging and its associated strategies and hacks, we have to consider "protection" and "recovery" related to joint injuries, whether they begin as acute or they're simply the result of years of wear and tear, and this remarkable peptide-chain may have a solid place in your overall human optimization program.


In 1998 I was privy to eye-opening research related to the value of varied oligopeptides in recovery and anabolism when consumed post-workout.  The research concluded that consumption of di-peptides and tri-peptides in a 50%-50% ratio brought the greatest outcome in optimizing both recovery and muscle growth.

We’re all very aware of proteins as macronutrient structures made up of amino acids, and in a macro sense, we attempt to calculate how much protein we should consume to optimize training outcomes.  The science gets really interesting when we look, not only at the proteins themselves, but the chain-like amino acid structures made up of varied amino acids and varied lengths.

For me this led to a far greater understanding of the potential value of compounds we innately produce (often with diminishing volume as we age) and for how synthetically producing peptide chains can create compounds that have a propensity to rejuvenate and heal within the complexity of our bodies.

BPC-157, A Gastric Peptide Chain

BPC is a pentadecapeptide (a chain of 15 amino acids) produced in the digestive tract,  It serves as an important gut-health contributor and is present in human gastric juices.  B.P.C.  stands for Body Protective Compound. 

BPC-157 is a synthetic assemblage of BPC’s amino acid structure that reaches beyond the gut to facilitate healing.

Hmmm.  Now all of a sudden this peptide-talk is sounding interesting.


In research, predominantly with rats, it becomes clear that introduction of BPC-157 can have far-reaching benefit to reduce severity and physical injury related to inflammatory digestive tract maladies, but that’s only the beginning.  Peer-reviewed published research revealed BPC-157’s ability to stimulate significant healing and repair of tendons and connective tissue.   

When something proves to have value in the healing of connective tissue and a reduction in inflammation, the obvious “step forward” would be to test this compound upon the co-existence of inflammation and joint distress, arthritis.

There’s now a significant body of evidence ranging from “knee pain” to “rheumatoid arthritis” and the conclusions are consistent.

From:  Lee E, Padgett B. Intra-Articular Injection of BPC 157 for Multiple Types of Knee Pain. Altern Ther Health Med. 2021 Jul;27(4):8-13. PMID: 34324435.

Clinical implications:  BPC157 has the potential to repair tears, build cartilage and reduce the number of orthopedic surgeries. Because of its reparative properties, treatment with BPC157 offers significant advantages over the use of steroids.

Results: BPC157 is a peptide with regenerative properties that can be used to relieve multiple types of knee pain.

From: P SikiricS Seiwerth, et al.  Pentadecapeptide BPC 157 positively affects both non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent-induced gastrointestinal lesions and adjuvant arthritis in rats.  Journal of Physiology. Volume 91, Issues 3–5, May–October 1997, Pages 113-122

Clinical implications: The data likely point to a special anti-inflammatory and integrity protective effect of this pentadecapeptide.  In addition, an analgesic effect implies BPC-157 may be a therapeutic intervention to address and reduce severity and discomfort of arthritic conditions.

Results: In the arthritis studies, lesion development was considerably reduced after a single pentadecapeptide application, and even more attenuated in rats treated with BPC 157 daily.  As a therapy for already established arthritis, BPC-157’s salutary effect consistently appeared after 2 weeks and it could be clearly seen also after 1 year of application



I’m always intrigued by new research, by evidenced healing properties of natural compounds, and fast to explore not only science, but also anecdote (if someone uses a compound and achieves the outcome, while it may not be documented science, it counts).  The question that always arises before considering use is one of safety.  In a published study Preclinical safety evaluation of body protective compound-157, a potential drug for treating various wounds (The Journal of Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology. Volume 114, July 2020, 104665), the conclusion states:

There is wide application for the use of BPC-157 for healing and protection of various bodily systems, and the review of the published science to date bears great importance given not only the proven safety of BPC157 but also the implication for its systemic application as a novel drug for various conditions and injuries.



  • BPC157 is a peptide with regenerative properties that can be used to relieve multiple types of injuries and injury or condition-associated pain.


  • Demonstrated in research to reduce symptoms and severity of arthritis without the deleterious effects of the commonly used corticosteroids.


  • It exists as an active peptide in the gut and exogenous introduction of BPC-157 has demonstrated healing of lesions and repair of inflammatory damage in the GI Tract, Pancreas, and Liver.


  • Because of BPC-157’s ability to stimulate an escalation and balance in healthy neurotransmission with steady elevations of serotonin and dopamine (in those who may have chronically lower levels), it’s also begin explored as a therapeutic aid for CNS disorders.

We can explore this further by discussing the gut-brain connection and recognizing the links between the microbiome and neurotransmission.  In future articles and posts I’ll share some of the possibilities for getting the benefits of BPC-157 with oral and nasal applications (to date, everything discussed related to intramuscular or subcutaneous injection).

For now, suffice it to say that using BPC-157 to speed healing after orthopedic surgery, to heal tendons and ligaments with healing potential in order to avoid surgery, and to reduce symptoms and impact of arthritic condition all seem sound with very little documented risk. 

And in closing, I feel I'd be doing you a disservice if I didn't mention that synergistic value in healing connective tissue achieved by the integration of PEMF therapy, Acoustic Soundwave therapy, and peptide therapy.  If you have pain or connective tissue damage, and you live in or plan on being in South Florida any time soon, make an appointment to experience these therapies at my Boca Raton facility, Infinite Impact.

Important Note:  As of the date of this article, BPC-157 is only approved for sale for research purposes.  Also note that as of this date, it’s a banned substance by Anti-Doping Organizations for Competitive Athletes competing in sanctioned events.


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