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What's the Deal with B12?


At Infinite Impact, in our arsenal of tools and therapies, we include B12 injections. 

In people who present B12 insufficiency, the outcomes are often profound. 

In healthy folks with B12 levels “in range” there may be a mix of some metabolic benefit and placebo.  Bodybuilders and endurance athletes often swear it contributes to recovery.


I believe three factors are making the question “do you offer B12” far more common.


  1. We’re actually seeing increased incidence of B12 insufficiency in specific   (1) Adults over 60 (2) People of all ages with gastointestnal disorders

  2. More IV stores are opening and it’s gaining great awareness in the mainstream

  3. After COVID created a new awareness, the desire to take control of health has led many people to seek out IV Therapy as a supplemental player in their  immune health


As when anything hits the mainstream (or the internet) with promise of “super power,” people start to ask questions and the confusing cacophony or information drives confusion.

Tim, a member of my ALIVE Across America Fitness Mastermind Group, asked a  question in our  private group.  Because it’s asked so often among our in-house patients and clients, I thought, with Tim’s permission, I’d post the question and answer to offer those searching for clarity a bit of insight.

Before I address Tim's question, I want to mention, loudly, B12 is a micronutirnet FOUND IN FOOD!



The most readily rich sources include:

  • Animal Meats

  • Fish

  • Eggs

  • Dairy


Vegetarians who include lacto-ovo choices can get their B12 from dairy and eggs, but for those purely on plant-based diets, supplementation becomes a bit more of a consideration.  Vegans can obtain B12 from select mushrooms and algaes as well as some fortified soy or cereal foods.

Thought that was important before I inadvertently made "B12 Supplementation" sound like a must.

On to Tim's question.

Here it is:

QUESTION: Phil, I’m interested in finding out about vitamin B 12 (as cyanocobalamin) . I have heard mixed things about this vitamin but I am finding it in so many items. Any factual information would be greatly appreciated.


ANSWER: Tim, this simple question can open a long discussion amounting to the conclusion that, when looking at real world value in most people, supplementation with B12 in any form is about equal to any other.  I asked Dr. Blyweiss to share an overview:

BLYWEISS: We all need B12 for multiple functions.  We need more supplementally as we get older since our digestive processes tend to become compromised.  There are various types of B12, cyanocobalamin is the most commonly found in most commercial supplements.  It seems another natural form, hydroxocobalamin, may remain bioavailable for longer, and methylcarbylamine is more readily prescribed for its activity in neurological processes.  In most people in real world application, none can be called superior to any other (end of Blyweiss response).

BACK TO ME NOW: It’s absolutely true that B12 plays a vital role in red blood cell production, energy metabolism, DNA replication (synthesis), and a host of neurological functions.   In cases of B12 deficiency, where systems and processes may be compromised, the addition of supplemental B12 can have profound impact upon energy, fat release and mobilization, concentration, sleep, and recovery.  Lots of supplement sellers and/or IV places like to play up their formulas as “the best” and they tend to, at times, exaggerate properties of ingredients.  Medical centers may choose to use cyanocobalamin in their injectables as it’s more stable in liquid form, its more readily available in the  medical wholesale marketplace, and, truth be told, its cheaper.  Because that’s what’s most commonly in their “inventory,” they often “spin” its added efficacy.

From this point forward, if you want to further unravel the answer, you can take a deep drive in biochemistry.  Ultimately, if supplementation is effective, you’re delivering a cobalt ion into the cell which is precisely what you are left with when the  upper ligand (methyl, hydroxy, etc.) is separated.

I hope that’s helpful.

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