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Red Light, Fat Loss, and Health. Legit or Scam?

Want to boost brain, energy, metabolism, and mood? 

OK, then get up early. 

Not just a little early.  I mean wake up when it’s still dark out, in the moments just before sunrise. 

Then stand outside naked and wait.

You’re slowly bathed in red-hued radiance, absorbing light energy that comes directly from the center of the solar system, directly from the natural heavens, directly from the sun.

I know.  You’ve heard bad things about the sun.  Sure, it illuminates the world and makes plants grow, but what about all the stories of sunburn and skin cancer?

Let’s begin by recognizing that the sun radiates a whole lot of electromagnetic energy and sunlight can be divided into three primary types, infrared, visible, and ultraviolet (we can include Gamma Rays and other invisible photo-energies, but for our purposes, lets' stick to the three).

When we consider "three different types" of sunlight, we begin to see a distinction, and with...

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Colostrum – Can a Superfood for Babies Create Super Health in Grown-Ups?

Call it God or Nature.  Whatever you hold responsible for the propagation of life, the process of bringing a human or other mammalian baby into this world is filled with complexities, wonder, and miracles. 

Consider the helplessness of a newborn.  It is fully reliant upon the mother for protection, nourishment, and comfort, and then . . . beyond the initial oxytocin-bond and warm-blooded emotion, the newborn must acquire immunity, growth factors, and critical proteins and saccharides to initiate cell division and healthy growth.

And somehow, it arrives!  Enter COLOSTRUM.

Colostrum is the first liquid produced in the mammary glands of mammals (humans included) immediately after giving birth and it is precisely what Nature or God intended.  A powerful bioactive formula containing a super-dose of Immunoglobulins, Lactoferrin (an iron-binding protein with multi-faceted far-reaching support for the immune system), cell and tissue growth factors, amino acids, and...

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BPC – 157: A Therapeutic Remedy for Mind, Gut . . . and Body!


As I pursue the science of anti-aging and its associated strategies and hacks, we have to consider "protection" and "recovery" related to joint injuries, whether they begin as acute or they're simply the result of years of wear and tear, and this remarkable peptide-chain may have a solid place in your overall human optimization program.


In 1998 I was privy to eye-opening research related to the value of varied oligopeptides in recovery and anabolism when consumed post-workout.  The research concluded that consumption of di-peptides and tri-peptides in a 50%-50% ratio brought the greatest outcome in optimizing both recovery and muscle growth.

We’re all very aware of proteins as macronutrient structures made up of amino acids, and in a macro sense, we attempt to calculate how much protein we should consume to optimize training outcomes.  The science gets really interesting when we look, not only at the proteins themselves,...

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Supplementaceuticals 101 - NAC & C60


A Segment in an Ongoing Review of Nutritional Hacks, Stacks, and Complements

By Phil Kaplan


If I were to tell you I’m about to share truths related to the vast array of Supplementaceuticals, you’d likely follow with the well-justified outburst, “Supplementa-whaaaat?”

Don’t worry.  I haven’t exposed a flaw in your retention of vocabulary items.

I’ve simply made up a word. 

Sort of. 

Real or constructed, supplementaceuticals (not to be mistaken for supercalifragilisticexpialadocious) is a long word, and if you suffer from hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia (ironically, a fear of long words), it might shake you up a bit, but I introduce the word with the best of intentions.

If you have a bit of patience and a desire to effectively navigate the nutritional maze, in this series I’m going to shed some light on how you can maximize health, energy, and well-being with the few nutritional...

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Your Appetite. Are you a Victim or the Creator?

“No matter what I do I can’t lose weight.”

It’s a fair conclusion after a series of failed attempts.  It aligns with another oft-concluded mantra.

“Nothing works.”

Both statements find followers, hard-core advocates of the truth behind the words, and the habitual thinking of those words is certain to ensure they’re proven valid.


So let’s change the belief!  Then we can change the outcome!

Reactively creating subtle but controlling self-talk is precisely how people become victimized by flawed attempts, misinformation, and all-out fraud in the arena of “weight loss.”

The perceived failure creates thoughts of “can’t,” thoughts of limitation, and the mental “looping” of the false conclusions cement these thoughts into an ever-increasing belief.

The real problem lies not in the ability or lack of ability to lose weight, but rather in...

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Human Transformation & Healing - Are Miracles Possible?

fat loss mindset Jul 28, 2022

Miracles occur in regeneration and restoration of human form and function when modern science meets ancient healing wisdom.

“I can’t believe it” is a common expression my clients excitedly spout out after achieving precisely what they once identified as a desire.  I find it heartwarming, but also a bit comical.

Why would I see an expression of joy as comical?

I don’t.  It isn’t the joy I find comical, it’s the revelation that they didn’t believe the outcome was possible, at least not initially.  At some point they took a leap of faith and the leap itself prompted belief change.

My programs have been changing bodies and lives for decades.  Thousands of bodies and lives over the course of three decades to be precise.  And the miracles continue.  Let’s understand, before we go on, what a miracle is.

Miracle. It suggests that something happened that was not only unexpected, it was somehow divine, as in the...

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Healthy Bread, Myth or Reality?

Bread.  Americans have had a love affair with it, at least from the time I entered this world.  My mom would make me grilled cheese sandwiches, I was a massive fan of PB&J, and most days my lunchbox contained a sandwich. 

Know this.  I was carrying my lunchbox to school in 1969!  The world has changed!  The air has changed, communication has changed, and BREAD HAS CHANGED!

Let’s take it a step further.  The WHEAT has changed!  And in terms of human health and nutrition, not for the better.

It’s hard to answer the question, “can I eat bread during my fat loss journey” with a simple yes or no, but the easiest most accurate answer would have to fall closer to “No” than “Yes.”


My 1969 PB&J sandwiches were made on white bread.  We didn’t know of any other.  Wonder Bread to be precise.  It was a staple, not only in my life, but in virtually every American...

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The Problem With Thanksgiving . . . and the Metabolic "Fix!"

Uncategorized Nov 21, 2021

We love it, but we fear it.  After a long season of “sheltering” and “distancing,” it seems a great many people are preparing to celebrate the feast with people sitting together at the same table sharing turkey, stuffing, and pie. 

The indulgence, the bonding, the laughter, the connection, and the joy of humans stuffing their faces with foods that spike endorphins makes the entire experience a great one . . . unless the one uncle who has to argue about politics starts doing his thing, or the aunt who chews too loud happens to grab the chair next to you.  If that happens, stuff your uncle’s mouth with mashed potatoes, chew louder than Aunt Llama could ever hope to, and go back to the celebration.

OK, so the agitating Uncle and Loud-Chewing Aunt are annoyances, but where does the fear come in?  

There is a fear associated with gluttonous celebration. 

The Fear of Weight Gain. 

Nobody thinks of Thanksgiving as a time to rev up...

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The Best in Some, the Worst in Others

“We’ve seen the best in people, and we’ve seen the worst.” 

Over the course of centuries, that quote has been uttered by generals, politicians, philosophers, and leaders in times of crisis.  Societal disruption (such as a pandemic) allows for people to reveal themselves at their deepest levels.

Far be it from me to judge who’s good and who may be on the naughty list, but there are extremes being played out daily in the residual chaos spilling forth from 2020. 

We can bestow endless praise upon health care workers and find their tireless hearts representative of the good mankind is capable of.  On the other end of the spectrum are those who capitalize on the weak and vulnerable to pursue personal profit and gain.

What prompted me to write this now? 

As a long-time consumer advocate, I keep an eye on FTC claims, frauds related to health, fitness, and weight loss, and scams that perpetuate the awareness and bank accounts of those...

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Could the Fountain of Youth Be Real?

REMARKABLE CHANGES will take place in your body, brain, energy, and life over the 8 Weeks of the Groundbreaking “Younger, Better, Stronger” Program.  And, if you are ready to move beyond your own inner resistance, your own blockages and doubts, and step into a future of youthfulness, you can participate in this 8-week odyssey of dramatic change.  For FREE.

I know, I know, this sounds so infomercially, but stay with me.  I promise you something special.  Let's start with some very low-pressure what ifs.

What if it were possible to:

  • Reverse the annoying, heartbreaking, and debilitating symptoms of aging.
  • Alleviate joint pain, physical compromise, and reverse dis-ease
  • Restore the energy you remember from your teenage years
  • Clear up brain fog, restore vitality, libido, and cognition, and master the innate power of healing

I understand it sounds fantastical. 

It is. 

Fantastical . . . and true!  Let's, right now, go on a very short journey...

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